The serious reader in the age of technology is a rebel by definition: a protester without a placard, a Luddite without hammer or bludgeon. She reads on planes to picket the antiseptic nature of modern travel, on commuter trains to insist on individualism in the midst of the herd, in hotel rooms to boycott the circumstances that separate her from her usual sources of comfort and stimulation, during office breaks to escape from the banal conversation of office mates, and at home to revolt against the pervasive and mind-deadening irrelevance of television. Eric Burns
About This Quote

The Internet is a rebel. When it comes to technology, there are no rules. As a result, people who use the Internet have a different approach to their work and life than people who do not spend time on the Internet. These people spend time on the Internet because they have a problem that needs solving.

They have an idea that needs to be shared with other people. It’s more than just a hobby or a way to waste time. It’s more than just something they do when they want to escape from reality.

The Internet is the way these people make sense of the world and understand themselves in relation to others and the world at large.

Source: The Joy Of Books

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